Nebraska Thursdays @ LPS Cafeteria Set to Kick Off October 5th
Celebrating Nebraska Thursdays in the School Cafeteria!
Litchfield Public Schools has joined Nebraska Department of Education Nutrition Services and Center for Rural Affairs as a 2017 pilot school to roll out Nebraska Thursdays. This statewide campaign celebrates farm to school by serving a Nebraska-sourced meal in the cafeteria on the first Thursday of each month.
The school will kick off its Nebraska Thursdays on Oct. 5, 2017, during National Farm to School month, highlighting the launch of their new pork donation program. Litchfield is one of the first schools in the state to accept whole pork donations.
“We received two whole processed hogs as a donation from Todd and Darlene Wardyn, and decided it makes sense to build a pork donation program to work alongside our beef donation program,” said Janice Reynolds, food service director at Litchfield Public Schools. “Beef donation programs have been popular in the state, but we know there are other farms who would like to contribute to schools. As one of the first districts in the state to receive whole hogs by donation, we hope this creates a model for Nebraska schools.”
In addition to serving roast pork, the school is serving mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, colored peppers, radishes, cucumbers, kohlrabi, onions, and melons from Trotter’s Greenhouse.
“With our pork and beef donation programs, and donated produce from Trotter’s Greenhouse, we offer our students the freshest meals possible throughout the entire year,” said Reynolds. “Greenhouse grown produce is available almost all year, and the donated pork will carry us through several months.”
The school district is one of five pilot schools selected to participate in Nebraska Thursdays. Litchfield Public Schools was an early adopter of farm to school, starting a partnership with Trotter Fertilizer in 2012 who provided a greenhouse where food is grown and donated to the school.
Other pilot schools are Omaha Public Schools, Overton Public Schools, Thayer Central Community Schools, and Wayne Community Schools.
The program is sponsored by Nebraska Department of Education with partner organization Center for Rural Affairs, and supported by Omaha Public Schools Nutrition Services. Additional support is provided by Nebraska Dry Bean Commission, Midwest Dairy Council, and Nebraska Beef Council.
For more information about Litchfield Public School’s Nebraska Thursdays, beef and pork donation programs, contact the school at 308.446.2244 or Reynolds at 308.440.1105, or visit
Would you like to be involved in Nebraska Thursdays? Help us celebrate by calling the school to arrange a visit to eat lunch with your child in the lunchroom on Nebraska Thursdays, connecting the school to a local farmer, or cooking seasonal, local food at home with your child.